This topic has been discussed many times here and in other internet forums but I've yet to find a clear answer, so here goes in the hope some kind member can do a few tests for the benefit of the Ausmini community.
I have a two speed wiper motor (Lucas 12AUW) in a 1970 MK II Cooper S as part of the BLMC factory Special Production Order 41 (Police specification). The correct Lucas two speed wiper switch (part # BHA4786, which comes from the MGB) has been replaced sometime in its past life by a single speed equivalent. I am refitting a new two speed switch but would prefer to not use 'trial and error' when connecting the wiring as I don't want to do any damage. A lot of the discussion to date has been about the strange way in which the self park option works on the 12AUW, requiring some unique switching.
Could someone with a two-speed wiper in their car (Clubman most common) test the voltage of each of the four wires (at the wiper motor end) with the switch in each of its three positions - OFF - ON LOW - ON HIGH. I've marked the terminals A, B, C and D in the photo below.
I believe the colours of the four wires at the wiper motor end are Green, Black (Green trace), Red (Light Green trace) and Blue (Light Green trace) not in that order, but please confirm.
I believe the four wires at the switch end are Black, Black (Green trace), Red (Light Green trace) and Blue (Green trace).